Tips for Great Jewelry Photography
Jewelry photography is a specialty style of photography. Most individuals will use a lightbox, or tent which is basically a cube that is build-up of translucent material shaped in a cube. The radiant material is used to rambling hard light to overcome harsh shadows. But commonly what you end up with is super low contrast flat lighting. This style is furthermost common with catalog style photography. But if you are considering to make a stunning photo of a piece of jewelry you are going to have use a unlike method to create a "beauty" shot as they call it in the industry. Select a background color, or texture to enhance the photo. For the color you can use a conflicting color from the stones. For texture, a granite tile works pretty well. Or some stones, bamboo, and even some props can help improve the photo to make a scene and somewhat more visually attractive than your uninteresting white background. The second most significant part of jewelry photography Atlanta is d...